The Great Movie Ride Gets Showered With Love!

Wow!  Just, wow!  The response to yesterday’s “Rehabilitate?  Or, Eliminate” was utterly phenomenal!  You blew “social media” out of the park!  Disney’s Hollywood Studios park, that is.

Yesterday, we asked … The Great Movie Ride.  Should we rehabilitate?  Give it a bit of a facelift, maybe?  Should we eliminate?  Replace it altogether?  Or, should we leave it alone?

Well, a whopping, and overwhelming, 90% of you think that Hollywood’s “iconic” tour through the ‘world of cinema’ should stay just right where it is.

You left dozens and dozens of comments, mostly filled with passion and adoration.  Such as:

“One of my favs!!!  That is like the heart and soul of Hollywood Studios.”

“Please don’t eliminate!”

“They’re taking away too many of the classics already!”

“It’s a ride for all ages!”

“Family favorite!!”

Disney! 036

Having said that, of the 90% that want The Great Movie Ride to survive Disney’s “shutdown spree” through Hollywood Studios, over 80% feel the attraction needs a facelift.

Your ideas ranged from general sentiment to detailed “Project Plans”!  Take a look …

“I definitely think a massive rehab needs to happen.”

“Add a few scenes from current movies and it would be great.”

“The movie that shows in the queue needs to be longer and include more movies.  The rest just needs updating.”

“It needs a rehab that is at least as significant as the one Spaceship Earth got a few years ago.  All-new animatronics, new script, and scenes from different films.  But, I’d like the theme to still be movies from the last 100 years or so … not just modern movies.”

“Update the Western – gangster – Indiana Jones parts and I’m good.”

One reader, Jay, really put on an Imagineer’s hat!  Excerpted and edited, he said, “What if they used the same technology they used in the Mystic Manor attraction at Hong Kong Disneyland to bring movies to LIFE?

The premise is you are going through a collection of static movie sets and memorabilia, than something happens … and everything comes to life.  Maybe keep an in-vehicle soundtrack that doesn’t know what’s going on, so it can stay historic.

A recording is playing ‘… you see our collection from Star Wars, which came out in 1977, and was directed by George Lucas …’, but, all around you, Darth Vader is asking you to join him.

Meanwhile, Luke is using The Force to throw boxes over your head and declaring, ‘No.  They will never join the Dark Side’.

HD projections systems combined with movie sets and modern Audio Animatronics could really be impressive!”

Wow!  Great work, Jay!

My opinion?  I agree with the rest of you.  Refurb by refreshing the attraction.

I love the idea of a longer queue presentation.  The movie trailers are great, but it is a bit of a drag when it loops back to “the beginning”.

One comment, yesterday, proposed the addition of Marvel characters – namely, The Avengers – to the ride.  I wish!  In fact, if possible, that would be a no-brainer for my “Project Plan”.

“There is a disconnect with people under 30.”  That sentiment, as stated by another of our readers, embodies the concept of adding a few scenes from current movies.  That’s the direction I would go.  Keep the ride, but spruce it up!  Bring it into the 2010’s.

Finally, I think these questions sum it up … “Isn’t this kind of the theme of the whole park?  Movies from Hollywood?”

Yes.  Right on target!  Refurb, Disney.  But, do not eliminate!  We, the Re-Imagineers, have spoken!

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