Comments on: Should We “Re-Imagine” Test Track? The Official Home of the WDW Main Street Podcast! Sun, 03 May 2015 04:24:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kaz Sun, 03 May 2015 04:24:49 +0000 Honestly for Test Track new and old is personally a waste of time as I can do the ride on the drive to the park(and even drive faster for longer). Doing something different and unique with the visual aspect like Radiator Racers is a perfect way to use the technology without it being to close to everyday life. The only good part about Test Track is after “drinking around the world” because you can be in a car and not get a DUI.

By: Bob Sikon Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:09:50 +0000 In reply to Ed.

Great point, Ed! Since I’m a WDW “veteran”, I tend to think from a veterans viewpoint. I would think the Imagineers would have been creative enough to alter the inside without impacting the outside. I think cost was the only factor.

By: Ed Tue, 28 Apr 2015 11:03:21 +0000 I don’t really think Disney/GM had returning guests in mind when they re-worked test track. They were most likely concentrating on new guests who would never know that the track hadn’t changed. I think that was a mistake. That being said, they might have been able to change the track inside the building, but the cost and inconvenience of changing the outdoor portion most likely made that a non-starter.
