It's "All in WDW"

Red Velvet “Cake”, Anyone?

We were sitting on our balcony last night, enjoying a nice Brewery Ommegang Three Philosophers Quadruple Ale with our son, when Mrs. All in WDW reminded me that I still owe you a red velvet “cake”.  Do you remember that?  No?  Let me remind you.

Mmm. We so love red velvet cake.  Moist cake.  Cream cheese frosting.  Personally, I didn’t get to enjoy my first taste of this “delicious-ness” until we moved to the South.  Yum!  But, I digress.  And, this isn’t really a red velvet “cake” story.  Well, it is … kind of.

A few weeks back, I posted one of my favorite WDW pictures.  It was this one … a shot taken from my favorite perch at Laguna Bar at Disney’s Coronado Springs.  In the piece, I mentioned that my “… red velvet cake story can wait for another day.”  Hah!  I guess today’s that day.

I also said, “We love enjoying an evening at Laguna Bar.  The bartenders win the “World” championship of friendliness.”  Well, they’re also a lot of fun to ‘hang around with’ when you’re relaxing an evening away at their establishment.

For instance, on a very quiet night at the bar last June, Mrs. All in WDW, an acquaintance we’ve made (another guest we’ve met up with at Coronado on a number of occasions), and I got into a pretty spirited conversation with Paola (our favorite Laguna bartender) about mixed shots or drinks.

Paola had explained that several of the “fancy” drinks on the menu at Rix Lounge (also at Coronado) are of her own creation.  Intrigued, we urged her to “invent” a new drink right there and right then.  Sadly, she resisted.  Undeterred, however, Richard (our friend) and I took up the challenge ourselves!  We came up with, what Paola called, some pretty nasty things.

Now, mind you, we didn’t actually make all of these drinks we were proposing.  We just threw out different combinations of liquors from among the bottles arrayed on the bar.  Did you look at that “favorite picture” of mine a few moments ago?  It’ll give you an idea of we had to work with.

Finally, we tossed out a concoction that Paola said was close.  Weary of our fumbling around, Paola offered up the last of its five ingredients (a splash of cream) and our Red Velvet “Cake” was born.

Made with:

It really did taste like red velvet cake!  It definitely was a dessert drink, that’s for sure.

The last night of our most-recent trip to WDW, Paola reminded us that she couldn’t send us home without “baking” us another “cake”.  It was a really nice way to cap a night and a great way to finish a trip.  Thanks, Paola!

Red Velvet “Cake”