WDW Meets The Opry?!

Yep.  You guys did it again!  You’re way too smart for me!

Actually, my praise is truly genuine.  Until I did a bit of research in preparation for presenting yesterday’s question, I had no idea where River Country had been.  I would have had to flat out guess at the answer!

In years past, the River Country water park could be found on the shores of Bay Lake!

And, speaking of Bay Lake … guess where I found a bit of it!  In the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee!

The Delta River is the “river” within the hotel.  Yes, in the hotel.  I still can’t get over that.  It’s so unique.  Well, to me, it’s not something you see every day.  Anyway, the “river” is very scenic, and it entertains tons of guests every day by hosting them as they enjoy a relaxing river cruise.

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Photo Aug 09, 6 45 44 PM

Photo Aug 09, 6 45 49 PM

So, what’s all this have to do with WDW?  We had been to Opryland a bunch of times, but, in classic cases of not stopping to smell the roses on past trips, I noticed this placard for the very first time on our visit a week or so ago …

Photo Aug 09, 6 45 36 PM

As I scanned through the lists of oceans, lakes, and rivers, I, of course, fixated on my old stomping grounds in Ohio, my new abode in Georgia, and my dream destination of Florida.

From Ohio, I picked out Lake Erie, Rocky River, and Cuyahoga River … among many other familiar names.  From Georgia, I discovered Lake Lanier and the Chattahoochee River.  Finally, from Walt Disney World, I found …

Photo Aug 09, 6 44 40 PM

Photo Aug 09, 6 44 52 PM

Two of my very favorite bodies of water, and proof POSITIVE that you can find a piece of Walt Disney World anywhere!  Of course, somehow I missed the sign that named today’s “lake of honor” – Bay Lake.  I know it was there, though!

Cheers, my friends!  Have a great day!

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