Do you need an Advanced Dining Reservation (ADR)? Click “Continue reading →” to learn more!
Well, call this kind of a beta test. In fact, it’s a test to gauge your interest, to see if this whole concept will work, and to confirm that I can handle the admin. Frankly, it took quite a bit of time to put this together, and it will take time to maintain. I need to see if it’s a worthwhile endeavor. So, what is it?
If you frequent the myriad of Disney chat rooms that are offered on the web, you’ll see from time to time that people are looking for an ADR. Or, you’ll see that some kind person has announced that they are canceling a reservation. The whole point behind this is that, if one Disney fan cancels at the same time as another is prepared to book, that second person might be able to snag an ADR off Disney’s web site that was heretofore unavailable. That’s what this idea and beta test is all about.
I have secured dinner ADRs for three hard-to-get WDW favorites – ‘Ohana, Le Cellier, and Be Our Guest. Do you need one? If so, follow the instructions below, and we will see if we can get you covered.
I have the ressies listed on an Excel sheet, and that spreadsheet is posted to All in WDW’s public Dropbox folder. Here’s the link: ADRs on All in WDW
Alternatively, click the page tab at the top of the All in WDW home page to get to the Dropbox link.
The concept relies on first-come being first-served, and these are the instructions.
Step One: Click the link to view the ADRs “in inventory”. The file will (may) appear as a download.
Step Two: Choose an ADR (restaurant, date, and time).
Step Three: Send an email to [email protected] “claiming” your ADR. If it has already been claimed by someone else, All in WDW will advise you to re-select. If not, move to Step Four.
Step Four: All in WDW contacts you via email to arrange a time where All in WDW will drop the reservation on their account.
Step Five: At the time agreed upon by you and All in WDW in Step Four, you should be on Disney’s web site and ready to claim the reservation from Disney.
Step Six: Claim the reservation on Disney’s web site at the agreed upon time.
Note: All in WDW has no control over what happens during Step Six. If Disney’s web site is acting up, or if someone else in the general population beats you to the reservation, All in WDW cannot be held responsible. By engaging in this process, you agree to hold All in WDW and its principals without responsibility.
Step Seven: Send an email to [email protected] confirming whether or not you were successful in claiming the reservation.
Step Eight: Enjoy your meal!
If you have need of one of these ADRs, let me know. I want to see if this process will work. Oh, and, should this concept catch on, if you have ideas of what restaurants should be added to the “bank”, pass those along as well! Any other feedback is welcome.
Happy eating!