“Quickly” Devouring Downtown … The Finale!

Well, I have to admit … I did NOT see that coming.  Ghirardelli must make some mighty fine ice cream.  Or, is it the chocolate that holds us in its grip?

I’m not surprised, however, to see Chef Wolfgang in the finale.  It will be interesting, though, to see whether or not we have a preference of one location over another.

And, who didn’t expect the sandwich “king” to waltz into the “Final Four” with his famed holiday sandwich?

OK.  We have our finalists.  Let’s finish the job.  You have time to make one stop – to pick up one QUICK meal or treat – in Downtown Disney.  Where are you going?!  Vote!  Vote!  Vote!

DD "Quick" - Finale (Pick 1!) (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 50

Ghirardelli Ice Cream

2 thoughts on ““Quickly” Devouring Downtown … The Finale!

  1. It’s sad to see that Cookes of Dublin didn’t make it to the final round – I absolutely love their beef and lamb pie. However, I also enjoyed Earl’s chicken salad with almonds and fresh berries on my last trip.

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