It's "All in WDW"

The 2014 All in WDW Final “Food” & Garden Top 10 Desserts!

I can’t believe I still owe you a Top 10 desserts, folks! Well, now that the menus and prices have been published, we can move on to that fun stuff!

Confession time.  This list is a bit of a hybrid.  As you know, we tasted some of the desserts.  Most of them, we didn’t.  And, frankly, after all the entrees we ate, I’m surprised we were able to make room for any of Epcot’s sweets!

You’ll know the desserts we enjoyed as I have included their pictures. For the others, I made my final ranking decisions with the help of photos posted by some of our Internet friends.  Thanks, bloggers!

From the top, here they are!

1.  Kumquat Pie – Florida Fresh

I said it earlier, my future daughter-in-law was very right.  This dessert was one I would come back for again and again.  A fresh, fruity delight and a perfectly-baked, flaky crust.  It was excellent.  I highly recommend you give it a chance!

2014’s Kumquat Pie

2.  Pineapple Dole Whip with Myers’s Dark Rum – Pineapple Promenade
3.  Pineapple Dole Whip with Parrot Bay Coconut Rum – Pineapple Promenade

The “drunken” duo of Dole Whips.  One of my big “Food” & Garden regrets is that I missed the coconut version.  We just ran out of time and opportunity!

But, in the end, after I realized that I can approximate this dessert at home, I felt a bit better.  All I need is some soft-serve and Parrot Bay.  Now, where can I find pineapple soft-serve?

2014’s Pineapple Dole Whip with Myers’s Dark Rum

4.  Lemon Scones – The Buttercup Cottage (United Kingdom)

2014’s Lemon Scones

As I said in my Flash Report, “The scones were soft and fresh.  The berry preserve and crème fraÎche accompaniments were delicious as well.”  I really did like this better than the …

5.  “Piggylicous” Bacon Cupcake – The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews (American Adventure)

It’s attractive.  It’s enticing.  It was well-hyped.  In the end, it was much-less “bacon” and much-more “maple” than we had hoped.  We were looking for a pronounced savory-sweet balance.  This tilted way too far over to sweet, in my opinion.  On the other hand, Mrs. All in WDW loved it!

2014’s “Piggylicous” Bacon Cupcake

6.  Pineapple Dole Whip – Pineapple Promenade

Not as good as a “drunken” Dole Whip … I’m sure.  But, having said that, Dole Whip is always delicious.  Yes?

7.  Lemon Cheesecake (Torta di Ricotta) – Primavera Kitchen (Italy)

Now, we move into the desserts that we just couldn’t fit into our schedules.  I love cheesecake.  This has to be good.  No?  Anyone out there try it?  If so, leave me a comment.  What did we miss?

8.  Orange Blossom Macaron – Fleur de Lys (France)

I saw the pictures. I like orange.  It got good reviews.  OK.  I’m sad that I missed it.  Likewise, anyone out there try it?!

9.  Chocolate Flan – Jardin de Fiestas (Mexico)

I like flan, but I’m not that big of a fan of chocolate.  Still, I might have liked it better than Mexico’s Pork Taco … had I taken the opportunity to try it.

10.  Moroccan Pancake (Baghrir) – Taste of Marrakesh (Morocco)

Well, something has to be #10!

There, you have it, then!  The official All in WDW Top 10 Desserts is complete!  Next up?  Our Top 15 entrees!  What ended up making the Final cut?  Come back tomorrow to find out!