The BIG, BIG, BIG Magic Kingdom Quick Service Finale! Vote!

Long live Dole Whip!  Wow!  What a job by Aloha Isle yesterday!  Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe never had a chance!  In fact, for a while, ‘Bill’ wasn’t even in line for a spot in today’s finale!  Like I said … wow!

Dole Whip?  Enough said!

Dole Whip? Enough said!

This should be an exciting Final Four, my friends.  Three stand-out Quick Service eateries face off with one of Disney’s most iconic treats.  I can’t wait to see who’s standing at the end of this battle.  Let’s go!

Vote for ONE Quick Service option.  The winner will be crowned as the 2014 All in WDW Readers’ Favorite Disney’s Magic Kingdom Quick Service Restaurant!  Go ahead!  VOTE!

Quick Magic - Finale! (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 126

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