Mickey’s Roasted Sweet Corn? You Bet!

Short and sweet today, folks.  Pun intended!

One of the things you have to love about Walt Disney World is that there is so much contained within its 40+ square miles, you can’t help but learn something new each time you visit!

For example, when did Liberty Square Market in the Magic Kingdom start serving freshly roasted (grilled) sweet corn?  Holy smokes!  I haven’t had a cob of delicious roasted corn in eons!

We were walking away from the Haunted Mansion, and I caught a glimpse of a Guest wielding two of those roasted gems.  “Where did those come from?”, I exclaimed to Mrs. All in WDW.

We quickly discovered the source …






Sadly, we had already eaten lunch, but enjoying one of Liberty Square’s cobs of roasted delights has made it onto our “Disney List”!  I’ll grab one soon enough!

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