“Magical” Trivia Revealed! A Video Answer To Yesterday’s Question?

I want to thank Pat Jeanetti of the The Mickey Dudes Podcast for the lead in to today’s post.  In a comment, yesterday, he said …

“Now I see the ‘trick’ in the wording … as many of these were Opening Day attractions.  Four out of the five, in fact.  But, actual ‘physical age’ … that is the key to unlocking this answer!  Great question!”

Thanks a lot, Pat!  You are exactly right!  What I asked was … “in physical age, what is the oldest attraction in Magic Kingdom?”

Folks, currently closed for refurbishment, from late April through mid-May , Prince Charming Regal Carrousel, is not your everyday ‘merry–go–round’!

Yes, formerly known as Cinderella’s Golden Carrousel, it was built in 1917 for the Detroit Palace Garden Park.  It was later moved to Maplewood Olympic Park in New Jersey.  That’s where Disney designers discovered it!

Of course, they turned it into the wonderful attraction it is today.  As a matter of fact, it’s one of Mrs. All in WDW’s favorites!

This video doesn’t exist


So, my friends.  Was the question, itself, too “tricky”?  Was it much too hard?  Most people think about Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress being designed for the 1964 New York World’s Fair and think … that’s old!

There were two potentially correct answers to our trivia question.  Carrousel, naturally.  I think that’s the right answer, for the record.

However, one of the Walt Disney World Railroad’s locomotives – the Roy O. Disney – was built in 1916.  The rest of the attraction, though?  Well, let’s just say it can’t beat Prince Charming!

If you chose Magic Kingdom’s ‘Regal Carrousel’ when you selected an answer, give yourself a ‘gold star’.  The railroad?  Humbly accept a ‘silver’.  Great answer, but not quite the park’s oldest attraction!

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