Mug(ged) in Disney … Again?

Back on January 14th, I published “Mug(ged) in Disney?”.  It was my ‘tongue-in-cheek titled’ look at Disney refillable mugs and is still the ‘second-most read’ post in All in WDW’s short history.  Today, exactly six months later – to the day – I’m back for another round.  It’s Disney’s fault, I assure you.

In short, the question we asked, earlier this year, was, “How can anyone justify spending $15.49 on a coffee cup?”  Now, it’s, “You want us to pay what?!”

Well, according to recent reports like this one on, as of this month, “Disney resorts will be rolling out …

… new RFID-tagged refillable mugs.  Once rolled out, only current, valid RFID-tagged mugs will work in the beverage stations.  The cost will be:

  • $8.99 for 1 day
  • $11.99 for 2 days
  • $14.99 for 3 days
  • $17.99 for “length of stay” (4-14 days)

[It comes] with an option to extend if your trip is longer than 14 consecutive days.  The RFID-tagged mugs allow you to refill the mug at any resort hotel beverage station.  For the purpose of mug use, “days” are calendar days, not rolling 24-hour periods.”

Yikes!  $17.99?!  Can you imagine being a family of four staying at Pop Century, for instance, for a week?  That’s just under $72 for the mugs!  And, I’m sure they’ll still need to add the sales tax.  Wow!  So, I guess the question remains.  How can we justify the cost?

Looking back at “Mug(ged) in Disney?”, let’s assume that beverage costs haven’t increased since January.


Mrs. All in WDW and I have a 4-night stay booked for later this month.  When we visit, we typically have two mugs of coffee each morning as well as, at least, one soft drink (or coffee) later in the day.  Just that amount would cost $9.57 to $10.07 per day, per person.  With three days of use, you’d spend $28.71 to $30.21 on beverages for each member of your party.  At four days, you’d spend as much as $40.28.  The $17.99 for “length of stay” price pales in comparison.

I don’t necessarily want to re-ignite the debate as to whether “refillable” means for the visit or for life, but you can’t argue with the math.  The price tag might sound outrageous, but, if you drink coffee and/or soda, the refillable mug still makes sense.  Even the $8.99 ‘one-day charge’ can be easily recovered by drinking a soft drink and two refills.

Cheers!  Drink up!


22 thoughts on “Mug(ged) in Disney … Again?

  1. You won’t get any fight from me- we use the heck out of our mugs during the trip and afterward- I don’t have a problem with the pricing. I think the people that do are wanting something for nothing….

  2. We use ours extensively as well. I keep one at work to drink coffee and/or ice water from. It makes feel just a little bit like I’m in The World. Just a little bit. 🙂

  3. Or the family of four could learn to share and just use 1 (maybe 2) mug’s during their 7-day stay and save a TON of money compared to buying separate mugs.

  4. It isn’t actually a bad deal. If you break the cost down (for a 4 day stay), it is $4.48 per mug per day. That is less than the cost of two fountain beverages if you were to buy them in the paper cup.

  5. I feel it will bog down the lines. How will they limit you in places like POFQ where the soda fountain is definitely removed from the main line? I see the chaos ensuing.
    Though I have seen people pack theirs back on the trip, I always get a new set each time we go. (Why can they just change the dang designs!!!)

    • Hopefully it won’t be too bad, Heather, but I would hate to see hundreds of people waiting in line at Pop Century’s food court. Yikes.

      Problem with the design changes is that it doesn’t stop people. I still see people in the Coronado Springs line using the cup I bought back in (I think) 1999! Sheesh!

  6. Considering it costs Disney around $.25 a fill I can clearly see how their prices are justified. I mean if they charge any less they may go out of business!

      • Sure, because we should just bend over and accept whatever we are given, right? Using similar logic, if you don’t like my comment, don’t reply to it!

        • Well, every comment is response-worthy, Andrew. Lol

          I agree with you. They set a price. We pay? They keep the price or push it higher over time. We don’t pay? They no they went too far.

          • There was a lot of tongue in cheek there Bob as there was in my first post. 🙂

            Disney seems to be rolling in cash and people are still very eager to give them money, so while a long timer like me sees it as being a bad thing (because it is for those of us who see and are hurt by the prices raising so much year after year), I can’t really fault them for raising the prices.

  7. I don’t think it’s expensive at all, far from it. Here in the UK we don’t have refills at all and two weeks on a holiday would cost a lot of money. £2 plus for one coffee/tea. So for me $18 is nothing in comparison.

    • We usually tally up our coffees and sodas to make sure we will likely get our money’s worth, but we always get our money back plus a bunch more. Always. The key is you need to drink soda and coffee. Some people don’t.

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