“Devouring” Downtown … Quickly!

Good morning, my friends!  I missed you over the last few days!  I just had to take a weekend off, though.  Of course, I did pop in and out of Twitter and Facebook from time to time, so I didn’t drop completely out of sight.  Nevertheless, the short break from writing posts was refreshing.

Anyway, how are YOU this fine Monday?!  I know … it’s Monday.  Do you know what All in WDW is best at?  Taking our minds off Mondays.  Well, at least I hope we fill the beginning of your weeks with enough fun thoughts of Walt Disney World that we lessen the “impact” just a little bit!

Before I “escaped” for the weekend, I was enjoying our visit to Downtown Disney.  In fact, I spent some of my “down time” doing research.  Do you know how many dining options are offered by that marketplace?

Dozens!  Literally!  Using their own website as a dining resource, I found no less than 28 options for filling our bellies with Disney delicious-ness.  28!!

Split evenly between restaurants described by Disney as either a Quick Service or Table Service establishment, I thought it would be fun to start (and spend) the week carving them up into our favorites.  Today, we begin that “work” with the Quick Services!

So, this is how it’s going to work … I present two groups of seven (7) options, each, below.  You can vote for THREE (3) in each group – casting six (6) votes in total.  The “Top 2” finishers in each group move on to face off in a four-restaurant finale!

Oh, and one last thing.  I have to admit … my research was REALLY enlightening.  Like, I didn’t even know that a lot of these places existed!  Bodie’s All-American?  Cap’n Jack’s Margarita Bar?  Forty Thirst Street Express?  The Front Porch?  Yikes!  All of these – and more – are Downtown Disney Quick (Counter) Service options.  I guess I need to spend a lot more time going “downtown”!  In the meantime, if you want to learn more about these places before you vote, visit Disney for details!

OK, folks!  Three votes per group.  Vote!  Vote!  Vote for your favorites!!  We’re looking to name the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite Downtown Disney Quick Service.  Get to work!

DD "Quick" - Round 1 (Pick 3!) (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 123
DD "Quick" - Round 1 (Pick 3!) (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 118

WP Express

4 thoughts on ““Devouring” Downtown … Quickly!

  1. If you haven’t had the Holiday Turkey sandwich at Earl of Sandwich, you’re missing out! It’s the best sandwich I’ve ever had. I’m ridiculously addicted!

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