Dining Recon: Gaston’s Tavern

I have owed you this one for quite a while now.

Do you remember the whirlwind four-park dash through Walt Disney World that Mrs. All in WDW and I scored a month or so ago?  No?  Click here for a reminder.

Anyway, that morning, we paid our very-first visit to Gaston’s Tavern.


We were in the Magic Kingdom, and, although we had Gaston’s infamous Roasted Pork Shank on our minds, we ended up with, what amounted to, a full brunch!

What a popular place!  Gaston must be “cleaning up”!  He’ll be buying the Beast’s castle with all this revenue flowing in!  The line was out the door!


And, the counter was packed, as a result!


It was difficult to squeeze in for a decent shot of the menu.


There’s that pork shank!  Of course, their Warm Cinnamon Roll caught our eye as well.  Hence, this turning into a late-morning brunch!

We ended up sitting at an umbrella table outside, but, with two “dining rooms”, Gaston’s has a deceivingly roomy interior.  This is the seating area to the left of the counter.


Pick the dining room to the right, however.  It is the most decorative of the two.


But, what about the “stars” of this little post?  How was the pork shank?  Was it worth $9.79?


You bet it was!  Moist, flavorful, tasty, delicious, it’s perfect for sharing … or, not!  We loved it!

Of course, then there was dessert.  Or, was it breakfast?  Either way, Gaston’s cinnamon “loaf” – er, roll – was utterly phenomenal!


Again, perfect for sharing.  Unless, of course, its sugary, cinammon-y yumminess throws you into a fit of greediness!

It was our first real visit to Gaston’s Tavern, my friends, and I have to confess … we’ve already been back once since then.  Great “pub”, Gaston.  You rock!




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