Well, so it’s not just the menu that’s “under construction”. The ESPN Club’s entire kitchen is being refurbished as well. Hmm. Somehow, we missed that “memo”.
Much to our chagrin, Walt Disney World’s own web site says, “While the kitchen is being refurbished, ESPN Club is temporarily serving a quick-service menu of salads and sandwiches.” Really? Now, you tell us?
Both of us were much too hungry to go in search of another venue in which to enjoy lunch, so I selected the Italian Sausage. It tasted fine, but this and a bag ‘o chips? For $13.99? Really?!
Ever diet-conscious, Mrs. All in WDW chose the House Salad with Chicken. Simple but good, she claimed.
Folks, all in all, our experience was just like it was billed … pretty Quick Service. It was also quite pricey.
To be honest, unless you’re looking for a cold beer, we recommend you stay away from the ESPN Club until football season arrives. The kitchen has to be all ready to go by then, wouldn’t you think?!