Dining Recon: Gasparilla Island Grill

Good morning, my friends!  How have you been the last few days?  I had to step away for a bit to “rest and recharge”, but I’m back, and I’m ready for breakfast!

“Standard Disney fare”.  You hear me say that a lot.  You hear other bloggers and podcasters say that a lot, as well.  When it comes to breakfast at most (or all?) WDW locales, however, that’s pretty much the norm.

That’s OK, though.  We all love our Mickey waffles, right?

Anyway, Gasparilla Island Grill at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa is one of those, aforementioned, Disney restaurants.  But, it’s “different”.  In fact, it stands just a bit above the rest.

Why?  Well, it’s open 24/7, folks!  Yes, you heard me.  Gasparilla is a bona fide “open all day” Disney Counter Service!

It does, indeed, serve pretty standard fare, of course, but, hey!  Where else in WDW are you going to get a decent, hot, cooked midnight snack?!

Yes, my friends, whether it’s a visit to grab breakfast, lunch, dinner, or an “after hours” bite, this Quick Service is a fantastic stop!  Take a look and enjoy!

Like everything else at the Grand Floridian, Gasparilla's exterior appearance is clean and pristine.

Like everything else at the Grand Floridian, Gasparilla’s exterior appearance is clean and pristine.

Beautiful day? GREAT outdoor seating!

Beautiful day? GREAT outdoor seating!

Photo Oct 26, 9 02 10 AM

The interior is pretty simple. Nothing fancy, that is.

The interior is pretty simple. Nothing fancy, that is.

Photo Oct 26, 9 04 20 AM

Photo Oct 26, 9 02 37 AM

The place CAN get quite busy, that's for sure!

The place CAN get quite busy, that’s for sure!

Photo Oct 26, 9 10 34 AM

There it is! "Standard Disney Fare".

There it is! “Standard Disney Fare”.

Photo Oct 26, 9 04 26 AM

I decided to enjoy the Croissant Sandwich. It was a bit dry, to be truthful. The hash brown was a side purchased separately.

I decided to enjoy the Croissant Sandwich. It was a bit dry, to be truthful. The hash brown was a side purchased separately.

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