It’s a WDW Main Street Extravaganza! Paddlefish Week on the Podcast!

Hi, folks!  It has been a busy, busy week in the “real world” for the All in WDW clan.  Therefore, I’m totally behind on pubbing this week’s podcasts!

As things turned out, however, it truly did turn into “Paddlefish Week” both here, on the web site, and on the show!

I was very pleased to see your response to my “Dining Recon” entitled Disney Springs’ New “Crown Jewel” – Paddlefish!  It definitely does include dozens of pics.  Check it out!

Then, if your response wasn’t already overwhelming, much to my pleasure, Paddlefish, themselves, got into the act!

Entitled “See why All in WDW named Paddlefish “Disney Spring’s new Crown Jewel”, they posted our article on their Facebook page!  Wow!  Thanks, ‘fish!

And, that wasn’t all!  I joined the gang “live” from our drive back from Orlando to Atlanta to rave about our two fantastic experiences.  Hear it on …

WDW Main Street – Episode #336 – Our Weekly News!

Finally, Doug and Dennis dig deeper into the restaurant’s menu on our mid-week episode …

WDW Main Street – Episode #337 – Paddlefish!

You’ve read what I thought about this great new restaurant.  You can even hear it “live” on the Sunday show.  What do they think of the new menu?  Check them out!

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