“Food” & Garden ’18 Flash Report: Spicy Meatballs – Lotus House (China)

If you’ve followed me for long, you know how much I adore meatballs.  That being the case, I had really high hopes for China’s Spicy Meatballs.  Disappointment doesn’t describe my assessment, folks.

To my palate, this dish was flat-out horrible.  First, I don’t know what was spicy about it.  I even drizzled Sriracha sauce across the top.  I tasted no flavor.  Wrapped in “crispy” tofu, the texture was unappealing.

I have to be honest, I ate one of these pieces.  I threw the rest away.  In spite of Epcot’s best culinary efforts, there’s always a dish that disappoints.  This item may have been the worst festival offering I’ve ever tried.

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