A Peek Inside Todd English’s bluezoo!

Poor Todd English.  In our recently completed polls, he got very little love.  In fact, his Signature WDW restaurant – bluezoo – got blown away by its competition.

In two separate match-ups, I asked you, which of these menus do you find to be more enticing?  As I mentioned, in our first showdown, BoardWalk’s Flying Fish destroyed bluezoo with an utter lack of remorse.

Our second match-up was equally a landslide as Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’ bested 50’s Prime Time Café, with ease.  Given Prime Time’s popularity, that’s a bit of a surprise, wouldn’t you say?

To add insult to Todd’s injury, however, when we engaged them in a “four-way free-for-all”, bluezoo gained just one puny vote when stacked up to the other three competitors.  Homecomin’ beat Flying Fish by one vote in that popularity competition, by the way.

But, back to bluezoo … like I said, poor Todd.  Actually, speaking on behalf of the All in WDW family, we have almost as many fond memories of bluezoo as we do of another of our favorites – California Grill.

Therefore, we feel that it is fitting to celebrate bluezoo in its crushing defeat.  A consolation prize, as it were.  My friends, from decor to menu, take a little peek outside and inside Todd English’s bluezoo!