Flash Report! – We Won’t Get Mug(ged) in Disney?

I’m so confused. This might be the most back-n-forth event, or non-event, ever! Contrary to the Cast Member report I posted the other day, we’ve now heard a conflicting view.

We talked to another Cast Member, at a second resort, this morning. They suggested that Disney wasn’t going to roll out RFID mugs at that particular resort.

It has been reported elsewhere that this whole topic should remain in the “rumor category” until we can get the straight scoop from Disney … or until we see it in action. After experiencing these differing reports, we completely agree.

Stay tuned!


4 thoughts on “Flash Report! – We Won’t Get Mug(ged) in Disney?

  1. That’s odd! AJ at DisneyFoodBlog showed a picture of the new RFID enabled machine recently installed at Beach Club. http://www.disneyfoodblog.com/2013/07/27/news-update-on-disneys-new-rapid-fill-refillable-mug/

    I’m thinking that Disney is trying to contain this until they’re ready for the full roll-out, or they’re delaying the full “official” roll-out and turning the system on until after MagicBands are fully rolled out, which is rumored to be end of August or first part of September.

    • I saw that too. And, they (Beach Club) were the ones who told me “next month” which is later this week.

      Another resort told us that they weren’t doing it, so that’s why it is so confusing. Maybe they aren’t doing ‘right now’, but they will do it later. Who knows?

      Frankly, I believed the first report about August.

  2. ANy update on this? Also, how often will the mug be refillable? We sometimes fill up after we eat, so twice in a 15-20 min span. Is that going to be allowed?

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