Are You Ready For Trenzalore?

One of our friends said this on Facebook a day or so ago, “I’ve decided I’m not ready to go to Trenzalore in two days.  Think I might put it off until Sunday.  No spoilers!”

Yeah, I hear what you’re saying.  I responded with, “Looking forward to a new Who.  NOT looking forward to Trenzalore.”

For those of you who know what I’m babbling about, hang on a sec’.  For those who don’t … well, do you remember my “Who-vian” post from way back in August?  The one where I reported that Doctor Who had “invaded” Epcot in an epic way?

In that piece, I asked, “Who Invaded Epcot?”  Then, I displayed a bunch of pictures taken at the Sportsman’s Shoppe in the World Showcase’s U.K. pavilion.  At the time, they were “sporting” a huge selection of “Who” gear!  Go back and take a look!

By the way, if you’re in The World this week … is that shop still stocked to the rafters with The Doctor’s best memories?  Let me know in a comment, please.  I’m still regretting not stocking up the last time I visited Epcot!

Anyway, why am I on this rant?

Let me start with this … there have been about a dozen Doctors (depending on how you count them).  And, of those, if you’re a fan of “Who”, you likely have a favorite.  Well, tomorrow, on Christmas Day, during The Doctor’s annual Christmas special, I’ll lose my favorite.

Yes, it is English actor Matt Smith’s time.  After nearly four years, he is leaving the show.  It is, indeed, “The Time of the Doctor”.  A fitting name for the episode.

It IS "The Time of the Doctor"!

It IS “The Time of the Doctor”!

The Facebook friend I quoted earlier said, “[N]ot wanting to [cry] my eyes out on Christmas, so I’m going to wait [to watch it].”  I can’t agree more.  But, I also can’t wait.  It IS a new “Who”, after all.

Now, I have to make a confession.  The real reason that Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor is because, until very recently, he was the only one I have ever known.  You see, I arrived into the “Who-niverse” very late in The Doctor’s history.  As a result, on one of the most joyous of days, tomorrow’s episode will make me very sad.

How have I prepared for this melancholy event?  Why, I leaned on The Doctor, himself, to get me through. Well, he and Netflix!

After I watched the 50th Anniversary episode on November 23rd, it occurred to me to go back and start watching older episodes of the show.  In that way, I was able to establish a mild “connection” with Christopher Eccleston – the ninth(?) Doctor.

Eccleston only played the part for one year, so it wasn’t too long before I got to watch him regenerate (transform, for the non-Who fans out there) into the tenth(?) Doctor – David Tennant.  And, you know what?  I survived!  In fact, I actually like Tennant’s brash portrayal of the role.  The lesson to be learned is … give the new guy a chance!

Tomorrow night, Matt Smith will regenerate into his successor – Scottish actor Peter Capaldi.  I absolutely HATE the idea, but I’m going to give him a chance.  Why?  Because he will be The Doctor, after all.  And, you know what?  If I don’t like Mr. Capaldi’s reprisal of this iconic character, I can always go back and watch all of the “old” Doctors.  Thanks to Netflix.

The Doctor would say that Trenzalore is his destiny.  There’s no escaping it.  He’s right.  Am I ready for Trenzalore?  I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

Goodbye, Mr. Smith.  I'll miss you!

Goodbye, Mr. Smith. I’ll miss you!

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