Your All in WDW Readers’ Favorite World Showcase Pavilion? VOTE!

Good morning, my friends!  I find this hard to believe, but I’ve scoured through All in WDW’s archives, and I can’t find where I’ve ever asked you to vote for a favorite Epcot World Showcase pavilion!

File Feb 23, 5 25 18 AM

Three years of existence, and I never formally ran that poll?  It can’t be!  Oh, I think I’ve informally asked you the question, on maybe more than one occasion, but, evidently, I’ve never run a “tournament”!

Well, given yesterday’s photo tour through World Showcase, I’m inspired.  Let’s “elect” an All in WDW Readers’ Favorite Epcot World Showcase Pavilion!  Go ahead, folks.  VOTE for your favorite!

I’ll get you started … Rose & Crown Pub, Yorkshire County Fish Shop, Sportsman’s Shoppe.  Yes, Epcot fans, the United Kingdom pavilion gets my vote!

Favorite Pavilion? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 115

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