It’s Tough to Be a Bug! The Final Verdict!

Hey, folks!  Good afternoon!  While you’re watching your Saturday football games, I’d like to take a quick second to update you on another final score – It’s Tough to Be a Bug!  The Final Verdict!

The poll is now closed.  The results are in.  After days and days of voting and tons and tons of comments, your voices have been heard!  You have spoken your minds.  Disney will be compelled to listen … we hope!

  • Leave it Alone  –  44%
  • Rehabilitate  –  32%
  • Eliminate  –  24%

Do you see that, Disney?  All in WDW’s re-imagineers have contemplated the question.  We have overwhelmingly decided.  You need to put away your cans of Raid.  The bugs can be spruced up a bit, but they must be spared!

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