Eight Extraordinary Attractions! – Round 3

“Again.  Like picking a favorite child.”  Hah!  Just one of the comments I received yesterday aimed at expressing  anguish born out of choosing one favorite attraction over another.

My friends, did you think you faced agonizing choices in the first two rounds?  Well, you haven’t seen anything yet!  Now, we get down to real business.

Keep up the good work, everyone!  Just two more rounds (this one and the finale) and we’ll have not only our 2013 All in WDW Readers’ Favorite Disney’s Hollywood Studios Attraction but also our Disney’s Hollywood Studios Top 10 Favorite Attractions!  Yahoo!


Without further delay, here’s your extraordinary eight!  Two groups … vote once in each.  The Top 2 from each group make it to the big finale!  Which attractions will make the semi-final cut?  Get voting so we can find out!

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