Food & Wine ’14 “Flash Report”: Chicken Marsala

After I sampled (and was disappointed by) China’s duck and Farm Fresh’s “yard bird”, I knew I’d have to dip into my Honorable Mentions.

Unfortunately, I set aside my dislike for mushrooms and chose to sample Italy’s Chicken Marsala.

Mrs. All in WDW said it best in commenting, “Uh, this doesn’t taste like anything. I mean, I’m dipping it into this sauce, and I still get nothing.”

You know what I say? It’s still better than the duck and the “yard’s” bird. Not much, but still better.


3 thoughts on “Food & Wine ’14 “Flash Report”: Chicken Marsala

  1. Bob – loving the reviews. My wife Liz and I live just an hour from Disney and love Food & Wine Festival the most. Went last Thursday for pre-opening and will be going many times over the the next few months. If you have any requests for reviews or opinions, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. Keep up the great work. Hope it’s not raining over there as much as here.

  2. My wife & daughter get chicken Marsala all the time up here and I don’t like it for the very same reason you guys experienced down there…it’s flavorless!

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