We Sure DO Love OUR Monorail, Don’t We?!

Oh, yes, we do.  Just take a look at yesterday’s results!

I won’t ask you to look back, but Walt Disney World’s monorail won this “competition” back in 2013 as well.  In fact, back then, it was victorious in a runaway landslide fashion!

New Bus and Monorail Red

Of course, our beloved, colorful “train in the sky” still ran out to an early and insurmountable lead yesterday.  Really, the result was never in doubt.

Photo Apr 19, 10 34 00 AM

Having said that, Disney’s naval flotilla took its best shot at toppling the monorail off its perch.  The three watercraft options provided in yesterday’s poll finished in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places.

It all amounts to this … Disney’s most unique method of cruising through “The Kingdom” is still the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite WDW Transportation!

Be sure to come back tomorrow, my friends!  The poll to “elect” our favorite Deluxe resort kicks off first-thing Monday morning!  Cheers!  And, have a great Sunday!

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