Rehabilitate? Or, Eliminate? – Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin! [Poll]

Greetings, my friends!  Welcome back!  Welcome back to our little corner of the Disney-verse!  Did you have a happy holiday season?  I certainly hope so!

Let’s start All in WDW’s 2018 off with a New Year’s “bang”, shall we?  Opened in 1998, the Magic Kingdom’s much-beloved Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin will reach its 20th anniversary this year!

Of course, these days, being that long in the tooth opens up any attraction to Disney’s scrutiny.  That’s right, folks.  If The Great Movie Ride at Hollywood Studios can be a “target” for replacement, so can Buzz.

So, referring back to the post’s title, what is this “rehabilitation or elimination” thing all about?  Well, if you’re new to the site, open up your imaginations, because it goes something like this …

Welcome to the The Walt Disney Company!  I hope you’re enjoying your “career” in Disney’s design and development division – Walt Disney Imagineering!

As you know, WDI is responsible for the creation and construction of Disney theme parks worldwide, and we need your help!  Tap into your creativity.  Imagine that you’re an … Imagineer!  Yes!  In fact, in today’s case, you’re a “re-imagineer”!

Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin!  Should we rehabilitate?  Leave the theme alone, but give it a bit of a facelift, maybe?  Should we eliminate?  Replace it with a new attraction altogether?  Or, should we simply leave it completely alone?

Your task, today, is a two-part job.  First, what’s your vote?  Second, if you want to rehabilitate, what do you suggest we do?  If you want to eliminate, what should take its place?  What’s your “Project Plan”?

Leave your comments on this post, on Facebook, or on Twitter, my friends!  This is what we do.  It’s Imagineering.  It’s “Re-Imagineering”!  We need your help!  Now, get to work!

Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin! (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 164

6 thoughts on “Rehabilitate? Or, Eliminate? – Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin! [Poll]

  1. Rehab to upgrade the firing systems and repair all of the malfunctions! This attraction has far too many non-functional vehicles and guns in it every time we go. It’s a lot of fun, as evidenced by the ever present long lines.

  2. It’s still a great ride, but I prefer the versions in California and Paris. It would be great to have blasters that detach from the ride vehicle, like those rides. That, a fresh coat of paint, and maybe some new effects, and it will be great for years to come!

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