Good morning, my friends! It kind of has been “foodie week” at All in WDW, hasn’t it? Hey! Why stop now?
I joined Doug Davis and Dennis Conroy on the WDW Main Street Podcast a few nights ago to discuss, among other things, their Top 5 favorite Disney meals.
You already saw a handful of my favorite dishes. What are their “go to” meals? Where do they recommend you dine in Mickey’s world?
Listen to the WDW Main Street Podcast … right here!
In the meantime, I displayed seven of my all-time favorites in a post earlier this week.
On the podcast, I claim that my list could go on and on. Well, it can. Let’s pump my own collection of recommendations up from those original seven gems.
Here’s the rest of my very own Top 10! Bon appetit!

Morimoto Asia’s Kakuni Pork Bao. The braised pork belly on this steamed bun is utterly phenomenal! Melt-in-your-mouth delicious!