Desserts by Sarah! It’s All in WDW’s Top 20 Sugary Delights!

Actually, let me restate that.  For the second straight year, let’s thank All in WDW’s expert on desserts – our “almost” daughter-in-law, Sarah – for penning the “official” All in WDW 2014 Epcot Food & Wine Festival Top 20 Desserts!

Photo Sep 27, 11 35 04 AM

Australia’s Pavlova!

She’s the perfect person for the job.  Why?  Well, first, because I can’t be trusted around that much sugar.  Second?  She could pretty much make anything on this list herself!

So, what does she have to say?


Hello, again!  My process was simple.  I ranked the desserts on how delicious and interesting they sounded to me.  For example, crème brûlée is always my dessert of choice, so naturally it was #1.

Alternatively, the Chocolate-Blood Orange Cupcake with tofu icing, honestly, just didn’t sound good at all.

My taste for citrus flavors has dramatically increased over the past year, but tofu icing?  The thought of taking tofu, with its scallop-like texture, and making icing out of it just doesn’t sound like my kind of thing.

I’m sure the execution of this dessert will be fabulous, and, as Andrew Zimmern from Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods says, “If it looks good, eat it!”

Anyway, here goes!  Enjoy!

  1. Sea-Salt Caramel Crème Brûlée – France
  2. FlanCocho: Vanilla Caramel Custard with Chocolate Coffee Cake – Puerto Rico
  3. Warm Chocolate Pudding – Ireland
  4. Sweet Corn Cheese Cake – Mexico
  5. Crannachan: Scottish Dessert Trifle – Scotland
  6. Dole Whip Soft-serve with Crème de Cacao White – Refreshment Port
  7. Dole Whip Soft-serve – Refreshment Port
  8. Berliner: Yeast Doughnut filled with Apricot Jam – Germany
  9. Chocolate-Espresso Opera Cake – Desserts & Champagne
  10. Frozen S’mores with Toasted Marshmallow Syrup (a dessert drink) – Desserts & Champagne
  11. Blueberry-Lime Cheesecake Roll – Desserts & Champagne
  12. Pavlova: Crispy Meringue Shell – Australia
  13. Croissant Doughnut – Refreshment Port
  14. Carrot Cake with Craisins® – Hops & Barley
  15. Baklava – Morocco
  16. Guylian Belgian Chocolate Truffles – Desserts & Champagne
  17. Chocolate-Covered Cannoli – Italy
  18. Brazilian Coconut Candy – Brazil
  19. Passion Fruit Creamsicle – Desserts & Champagne
  20. Chocolate-Blood Orange Cupcake – Terra

2 thoughts on “Desserts by Sarah! It’s All in WDW’s Top 20 Sugary Delights!

    • Rice Pudding holds a special place in my heart. My Grandma used to make it for me, God bless her. I never tried Mexico’s out of respect for her memory … and the fact that it had no chance of being better than hers. 🙂

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