Hello, my friends!
This morning, I’m proud to publish yet another AUDIO All in WDW Dining Recon! Yes, that’s right. More AUDIO! And, as always, the “recon” is very detailed and extremely entertaining!
Presented by our friends, Doug Davis and Dennis Conroy of the WDW Main Street podcast, here’s Columbia Harbour House!
Find Doug and Dennis in iTunes by searching for, and SUBSCRIBING to, “WDWMainStreet” in Podcasts. Or, go here for a direct link to this episode.
But, back to the show!
You’ve heard of Columbia Harbour House, haven’t you? Oh, I think you have! After all, you’ve combined to vote it the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite Magic Kingdom Quick Service two years in a row!
Bon appetit, everyone!
Oh! And, before I forget, THANKS, Doug and Dennis!