This Pinwheel of Mozzarella and Prosciutto was, of course, another effort by Italy’s Primavera Kitchen.
Looks beautiful, eh? Sadly, this was, yet, another dish that did not make my Pre-Festival Top 15.
Like China’s spring rolls, I just thought that the concept was way too ordinary to merit adding the item to my, then, limited menu.
In spite of what I may have thought was a lack of creativity, however, the dish delivered good flavor.
With a subtle saltiness, the mozzarella was incredibly fresh. The prosciutto was all right, as far as I was concerned. The effort on the bread was weak. The olive oil was a very nice touch!
Look, if I went to a dinner party and saw a tray of these sitting on the host’s serving table, I’d certainly try one.
Was it good? Yes. But, one would “do it” for me. Like Italy’s manicotti, I’d call this a “one and you’re done” type of dish.
The pinwheel actually looks better than I thought it would. But I can’t help but think that some “green” on the plate would really tie it together. Maybe some basil by itself or in a pesto. Then you’d have the Italian flag colors too!
Ahh, clever! See? That’s what I meant. Needed more on the creativity scale!