Every once in a while you have to stop in your tracks and take the time to tie up all the loose ends you left for your readers earlier in the week.
For example, do you want to know what I have been forgetting to do? Enter Disney’s Family Time Resolutions Sweepstakes, that’s what!
You know what that means? Someone else won my trip to Disneyland! It’s really quick and easy, folks. Please don’t be like me … remember to submit your daily entries! I would love to see one of you win!
Did you nominate your favorite snack for the 2014 All in WDW Readers’ Favorite WDW Snack poll? Did you? Oh, we received some delicious entries. For example, as proclaimed by one reader, “Anything from Karamell-Küche!”

Mmmm, yes you’re right. Anything caramel is a very good thing.
But, then, there were Mickey Bars, funnel cakes, School Bread! How in the world did I forget School Bread?! Jalapeño Cheese-Stuffed Pretzels, Mickey Pretzels, Dole Whip, Dole Whip Floats, Caramel Apples, and on, and on, and on!
But is that it? Is that all you’ve got? No? Then, leave a comment on this post, on Facebook, or on Twitter. What other snacks earn the right to compete to be called the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite WDW Snack?
Yesterday, I quizzed you on The World of All in WDW. First, I asked, “Of these World Showcase countries (Norway, Morocco, China, and Japan), which one was the last to visit All in WDW?
I cannot tell you how long I waited for Showcase Country #11 to arrive in The World. In fact, I remember telling Mrs. All in WDW that I never expected that anyone from China would ever take a trip to visit All in WDW. Yet, it finally happened, and our World Showcase was complete.
WordPress is an interesting piece of blogging software. It gives you easy access to site statistics, but, unless you’re watching on a daily basis, there are some things you can miss. Hence, my second question was a trick question, of sorts.
Of the 106 countries that have touched All in WDW’s life, which one of these was the 100th to honor us with their presence?
Well, it could have been the Southeast African nation of Uganda.
It might have been the Syrian Arab Republic – the official name of the Middle Eastern country of Syria.
Or, maybe it was the Island of Guernsey, a small British dependency in the English Channel off the coast of France with an area of 30 square miles and a population of just over 65,000 people.
Sadly, I can’t really tell. But, if you answered any of these, your guess was right on target!
Have a great Saturday, my friends. Holy smokes, I’m glad the weekend is finally here! Aren’t you?
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