Menu “Recon”: Fairfax Fare

Let’s see a show of hands.  Who, here, misses Pizza Planet?

What?!  Come on.  I know you’re out there!  After all, back in 2013, you voted it the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite Disney’s Hollywood Studios Quick Service!

All right.  Well, as you undoubtedly know by now, Pizza Planet closed for refurbishment way back in January.  Whether it comes back with the same theme or not has been debated ever since.

Almost three months later, in April, Studio Catering Co. was shuttered, as well.  Wow!  Disney is closing down Hollywood’s Counter Service dining options as fast as they’re eliminating attractions!  All in the name of progress, I’m sure.

To see All in WDW’s previous Quick Service “recons”, click the links below …

Menu “Recon”: Min & Bill’s Dockside Diner

“Dining” Recon: Backlot Express Restaurant

Take a Trolley into Tuesday! Dining Recon: The Trolley Car Café!

It leaves us to wonder … what in The World is left?  The Holly-world, that is.  My friends, let’s spend a little bit of time down on Sunset Boulevard.  Disney hasn’t strolled down there yet, and that little thoroughfare is loaded with options!

First up?  Fairfax Fare!  A little stop with open-air seating nearby, it sports a barbecue-intensive menu.  Is it a fan favorite?  Hmm.  It very well could be.  Take a look!






What looks good to you, my friends?  Barbecue?  Dogs?  Salad?  Make your choice, below!  Oh, and please come back tomorrow!  Our next stop?  Catalina Eddie’s!