Rehabilitate? Or, Eliminate? – The Great Movie Ride

Welcome back the The Walt Disney Company, my friends!  I hope your “career” in Disney’s design and development division – Walt Disney Imagineering – has been all that you expected!

Oh, first.  Did you answer the survey question we were discussing yesterday?  In the Spaceship Earth scene in question, two (2) operators are seated!  72% of you re-imagineers got that one right!  Great job!

Now … back to work!

As you know, WDI is responsible for the creation and construction of Disney theme parks worldwide, and we need you to take on another assignment!  You did a great job with your first assignment – Ellen’s Energy Adventure lives!

Today, we need you to transition to a new project.  You’ve heard the rumors, I’m sure.

Disney! 035

The Great Movie Ride.  Should we rehabilitate?  Give it a bit of a facelift, maybe?  Should we eliminate?  Replace it altogether?  Or, should we leave it alone?

Your task is a two-part job.  First, what’s your vote?  Second, if you want to rehabilitate, what do you suggest we do?  If you want to eliminate, what should take its place?  What’s your “Project Plan”?

Leave your comments on this post, on Facebook, or on Twitter!

This is what we do, folks.  It’s Imagineering.  It’s “Re-Imagineering”!  We need your help!

Re-Imagineer GMR? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 111

4 thoughts on “Rehabilitate? Or, Eliminate? – The Great Movie Ride

  1. If I were to rehab TGMR, I would retheme it to the classic Disney movies that helped put all of this into existence! Then, about 2/3 of the way through, I would showcase current properties, with a glimpse of where things could go in the future with Walt Disney Animation, Lucasfilm, Picard, and Marvel.

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