What a “Thrilling” Finish! We Have a Surprising NEW “Champion”!

Or, is it really a surprise?  After all, we just can’t pass up a gut-shaking, slightly-spooky, “terrorizing” thrill ride, now can we?  Well, at least this year, we couldn’t.

In, what is likely to be, a bit of a controversial result, the darling of Disney’s Hollywood Studios – The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror – has conclusively won your support!

It is the 2015 All in WDW Readers’ Favorite WDW Attraction!

The Tower of Terror

Shocking!  The Tower of Terror wins the BIG “prize”!

So, why might this outcome generate a bit of controversy?  Well, first, it was by no means an overwhelming win.  In fact, our 2013 “champion” – the Magic Kingdom’s “house of haunts” – chased the tower’s psychotic elevators all day long!

To see the Haunted Mansion fall a mere ONE vote short of reclaiming the WDW “throne” will shock all of its fans.  See how important your votes are, my friends?

Second, over the course of the last three years, I have had many of you tell me that Hollywood’s home of death-defying drops just isn’t your “cup of tea”.  Even Mrs, All in WDW avoids it at all costs!

In other words, I know that more than a few of you will be disappointed by Tower’s victory simply because it isn’t an experience you ever want to have … or ever want to have again.

Regardless, All in WDW’s Readers have spoken.  For 2015, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror has won its “crown”.  Long live the “king”!

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