Take a Trolley into Tuesday! Dining Recon: The Trolley Car Café!

I don’t know about you folks, but it’s early Tuesday morning, and I can surely use a nice, hot cup of “joe”.  From Starbucks!

Whenever Mrs. All in WDW and I pay an early-morning visit to Epcot, our first stop is the Fountain View.  Mmmm.  Coffee.  Starbucks coffee.  I know.  Not everyone is a ‘bucks fan.

Well, this past weekend, we got our chance to take our first look at Disney’s Hollywood Studios’ answer to great java – The Trolley Car Café!  Yay!

Find it at the corner of Hollywood & Vine …







Nothing fancy for us … just plain, old Pike Place Roast.  Accompanied by a Bacon, Egg, and Gouda Artisan Sandwich, it was a nice, little breakfast!  Yum!


Nicely themed, and not overly crowded, we’ll make this our initial stop every time we visit WDW’s “disappearing” Hollywood haven.  You love Starbuck’s?  This is your spot!





One thought on “Take a Trolley into Tuesday! Dining Recon: The Trolley Car Café!

  1. That looks so cute! We’ll have to check that out next time we go.

    I’m actually a fan of Starbucks popping up around WDW. Due to dietary restrictions and a hint of snobbery, I’m very particular about my coffee, and most of the regular WDW coffee stands actually don’t have what I can/want to drink. I know what I like at Starbucks, I can rattle off my specific order, and I know it’s going to be exactly what I wanted.

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