Good day, everyone! Now that we’ve made it to mid-week, let’s cheer ourselves up a bit. Folks, let’s reach out to one of the most profound voices in recent memory. Let’s grab a dose of energy!
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Thank you, Walt Disney! There. Now, that little gem of inspiration should help us get to Friday. Don’t you agree?
Get your news here, folks! Get all your Walt Disney World news here! While I’ve been tied up hopping all over the country, the WDW Main Street crew has been very busy!
How so? Well, check it out! Two – count ’em – two episodes of news hit the airwaves while I was ‘off the grid’!
WDW Main Street – Episode #366 – Our Weekly News!
WDW Main Street – Episode #368 – Our Weekly News!
Step into the Main Street Pub, my friends, and enjoy the banter! I have to give you a “head’s up”, though. Disney parking might be on the agendas. You know what that means! Brace for [Doug’s?] ranting!