Retain? Or, Replace? – IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth

Good morning, folks!  Did you register your opinions on yesterday’s post?  How would you rank World Showcase’s pavilions?  Go back and weigh in – before it’s too late!

In the meantime, I have another burning Epcot item to address.  In fact, I want to settle this emotionally-charged, superhot issue once and for all!

A few days ago, we learned that Siemens will be ending their sponsorship agreement with Disney Parks.  That raises several questions.  Like, what does this mean for Spaceship Earth?  Or, what happens to IllumiNations?

We’ll come back to Spaceship Earth – and the rest of the rumored re-imaginations of Epcot – at a later time.  For now, let’s focus on Illuminations.

Catch WDW Main Street Podcast – Episode #370 – Our Weekly News! to hear what the group thinks of the rumored big changes coming to Epcot!

A little over a year ago, I ran a similar poll to the one you’ll find below.  It concluded with, what I would call, mixed results.  Today, I’m going to be much more direct and blunt with my “challenge”.

My friends?  IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth.  Retain?  Or, Replace?  Cast your VOTE but also give us your thoughts.  You can leave them, here, in the comments on this post or on social media.  Do you want to replace?  Then, please tell us why!

IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth! (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 122

5 thoughts on “Retain? Or, Replace? – IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth

  1. I would vote for retool rather than replace completely. Disney is always plusing the experience and after all these years I think illuminations could use a refurb rather than a redo or status quo.

  2. I think, like many Disney attractions, it just needs a little “tweaking”. It’s great but could be altered just a little!

  3. Well, this is tough. The first few times I watched this show I was in awe. I truly loved it. But now a few years later to me its not the same, for some reason it lacks something. Maybe a change would be good

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