Episode 511 – Our Sunday News!

Hey, folks!  Pull up a bar stool at the Main Street Pub and join John and Doug as they discuss all of the latest news from around Walt Disney World!

The new Disney+ streaming service is in the news.  Are the guys thrilled to hear about its impending arrival?  Plus, Disney Christmas party dates have been released.  Will we be entertained by a “Very Merry” rant?

Grab a delicious beverage, fans.  Then sit back, relax, and enjoy another fireworks-filled episode of the WDW Main Street Podcast!

Episode 511 – Our Sunday News!

Who’s YOUR Favorite Epcot Entertainer? [Poll]

Not to skew the vote, but these guys are always phenomenal.  I can’t think of any occasion where I didn’t stop to watch their act if it was in progress as I strolled through World Showcase.

Having said that, from acrobats to jugglers, and musicians to drummers, Epcot is awash in great entertainment.  What do you think about the park’s options?  Leave a comment and let us know!

In the meantime, please take a few seconds to VOTE in the poll below.  Which of these three (3) Epcot acts would you rate as your favorite performers?  I’ll publish the overall winner next week!

Who LOVES School? Er, I Mean, Who Loves School Bread?!

Somewhat polarizing – no, not everyone loves (or even likes) this – but mostly revered, Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe in Epcot’s Norway Pavilion is the home to this guilty pleasure.

A sweet roll filled with custard, draped in icing, and dipped in Coconut, some think that this delectable dessert is overly dry from the first bite.  Oh, the custard is tasty, they say, but doesn’t Epcot provide better snacks?  See …

The School Bread in Norway is Overrated.  Here are 7 Other Epcot Desserts That Are Better

Other non-fans call out the bread’s calories as being not worth the item’s hype.  Allegedly the owner of 35+ grams of sugar, according to one web site, it hits the list of …

The Unhealthiest Foods at Disney Parks

Huh?  OK.  So, maybe it’s dry sometimes.  Maybe there are equally good (or better?) snacks in Disney.  It undoubtedly does carry a diet-busting price within its custard-y goodness.

My opinion?  Maybe not on every visit to Epcot, but certainly, once in a while, you have to enjoy a serving of, what has to be, one of the best (and most unique) desserts in Disney.  Plus, at $3.99, it’s a bargain!

What do you think, folks?  Is Norway’s School Bread overrated?  Is it worth the calories?  Are there better things at Epcot – or even in Norway – to try?  Leave a comment and let us know!

The Wonder of Crescent Lake!

If you couldn’t tell by my posts over the last few days, Crescent Lake is our favorite area of Walt Disney World.  Whether it be in Disney’s resorts or at the Swan and Dolphin, we always feel like we’re “home”.

I could list the plethora of restaurants, attractions, sights, and sounds that keeping drawing us back, but how can anyone argue with its beauty?  Just click on the picture below, my friends, to see a really short video of Crescent Lake in action!

Cruise on, Friendships!