The Festival is upon us, my friends! Have you seen the menus? No? Then, to see every delectable morsel, pop back to …
2018’s Festival of Food is About to Begin! Catch These Epcot Food & Wine Entree and Dessert Menus!
Hint – if I have highlighted an item in ‘blue’, then you can consider it on my personal list of recommendations for 2018. If you’re going to be able to go “devour” the festival, then please use those suggestions as a guide!
In the meantime, please pull up your bar stools at the WDW Main Street Pub. Join John, Doug, and myself as we cover all of these menus in great detail!
Which booths do we think will “rule” the party? Which get “discarded” out of hand? Who is going this year? Who is not? Find out that and much, much more at …