Still Eating Epcot – The Finale

We’re almost there, my friends!  Only one more day of voting, so don’t let the beginning of the work-week distract you.  You know you want your Monday Disney “fix”, so vote, vote, vote!  Tell your friends!

I have to admit … I expected 3/4 of this Final Four from the beginning.  Maybe you did as well.  For instance, in pretty much every quick service-related conversation you hear, Sunshine Seasons heads quickly to the top of, pretty much, everyone’s list.  And, look at it this way … where does everyone go as soon as Epcot opens?  Yes, The Land pavilion.  Whether it’s before or after riding Soarin’ – or while you’re waiting for a FastPass to go live – Sunshine Seasons is a prime area to wait, rest, and have breakfast or lunch.  It is right in the most trafficked zone of the park!  Plus, we haven’t even mentioned its biggest strength – a massive variety of …

… food choices!  Of course, it is in the finale.

The re-incarnated bakery in France isn’t a surprise to me either as Les Halles Boulangerie & Pâtisserie waltzed casually through this weekend of polls and into the Final Four.  Hey, please forgive me for going off on a tangent for a second, but, as I write this, it occurs to me that I am curious to know what “Les Halles Boulangerie & Pâtisserie” translates to in English.  Well, “Les Halles” means ‘the covered markets’.  And, “Boulangerie & Pâtisserie” translates to ‘Bakery & Pastry’.  The covered markets of bakery and pastry?  I will defer to our French readers to correct my simplistic translation, but my curiosity has been quenched.  Ha-ha.

The third contender I expected to graduate to the end of the voting was the Yorkshire County Fish Shop.  It is a favorite of Mrs. All in WDW and myself.  Of course, we usually run out for a serving of their delicious fish ‘n chips when we’re lounging around in another one of our favorite places in Epcot – the Rose & Crown Pub.

Finally, the quick service that I totally under-estimated during this whole competition was La Cantina de San Angel.  I mean, it just won its group in Round 2!  I’m not sure why I didn’t give it enough credit, to be honest.  Every time we walk by, the place is packed!  I should have known better.

OK, so this it it.  Let’s get back to business and elect the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite Epcot Quick Service Restaurant. What’re you waitin’ for?  Get voting!  Then, you can go to work!  Have a great week, everyone.


2 thoughts on “Still Eating Epcot – The Finale

    • I really think it comes down to a case of “What if I buy it and I don’t like it?” to be honest, Jym. The Top 4, for example, are much “safer” options, so to speak. Most people will find something at one of those four that they’ll be sure to like.

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