Voting is ‘Fast and Furious’! Pick MORE Food & Wine Entrees!

Good morning, my friends!  The voting has gotten tougher, eh?  Makes sense.  After all, we excluded about 40 items in Round #1’s voting.  Only the best are left!

If you missed yesterday’s selections, please stop back at – Carving Up Epcot’s Avalanche of Entrees! 45 Must Become 20! VOTE! – to register your choices.

It was our first group of the 2nd Round.  Voting was fast and furious, and your opinion counts!

Of course, we need to forge ahead into another collection of Epcot’s culinary masterpieces, now, don’t we?  What’s on the “menu” today?

Patagonia’s Beef Skewer

Please choose your preferences from the group below.  Select four (4) dishes, in fact!  The Top 4 finishers will make their way to your Pre-Festival Top 20!

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