Food & Wine ’17 “Flash Report” BONUS: Spicy Hot Dog – Refreshment Cool Post [Full Menu Included!]

I’ll give Refreshment Cool Post this much … they sure have improved on the days of the Spicy Hot Dog once served by the South Korea marketplace.

2015’s South Korean Spicy Hot Dog

Pretty small, eh?  Honestly, regardless of the size, the flavors of South Korea’s spicy mustard have always melded quite well with their ‘kimchi’ to make a very tasty bite.

Having said that, Cool Post has kicked this very same item up countless notches.  Look at the size of this portion, folks!

Can you believe it?  This is no longer just a “bite”.  It’s a meal!  In fact, at $6.75, this dish is a festival bargain.  If you like hot dogs and spicy mustard, folks, this one’s for you!

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