There’s Never Enough Starbucks … Is There?!

Starbucks!  Starbucks! Starbucks!  Come on, there’s never enough Starbucks, is there?!

I know a few of you aren’t sold, but I’m surrounded by family, friends, and fans who love the fact that Starbucks has “invaded” Walt Disney World.  Yes, even in my own house!

A few weeks ago, I reported that Hollywood Studios was working on constructing The Trolley Car Café – the park’s “soon-to-be-opened” Starbucks location – at the corner of Hollywood and Vine.

Do you remember that “Dining” Recon?  No?  Oh, please stop back and check it out!  Anyway, back then, here were the construction walls!


Great news!  Last Saturday night, I discovered that those walls are down.  Well, sort of.  Enough of them are gone to see the front of the new establishment and its signage.  See?

Let us in, Starbucks!

Let us in, Starbucks!

The Trolley Car Cafe!

The Trolley Car Cafe!  The sign’s not lit yet, but we’ll be drinking “joe” here soon, I’ll bet!

Photo Jan 03, 7 43 36 PM

Can’t wait to see the menu that will fill this box!

My apologies for the relatively poor pictures, my friends.  It was about 8:00 PM when I shot these, and lighting was not at its best.  That’s OK, though.  I’m sure the coffee will be outstanding!

Coming soon!  Another delicious caffeine fix!  Yay!


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