Magic Kingdom’s “Sensational” Sixteen!

Although there were a few tight races yesterday, the “Round of 32″ was, for the most part, over pretty early.  And, as you can see, the “cream” of The Kingdom’s “crop” is rising to the top of the competition.

Jungle Cruise

Let’s keep it going, my friends.  Your support has been beyond phenomenal!  Lots of Retweets on Twitter!  Lots of Shares on Facebook!  Great vote totals!  You all ROCK!

You heard it yesterday, folks.  Step one, VOTE!  Vote for ONE in each group!  Step two, pass the word!  Twitter, Facebook, Lines, anywhere!  Pass the word!

What are your favorite Disney’s Magic Kingdom attractions?  Vote!  The Top 2 in each group make it to the “Exceptional” Eight!

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