Epic Epcot! The Poll That Rules Them All?

Were you expecting more “Food” & Garden this morning?  Hah!  If you look back at the All in WDW 2014 Readers’ Favorites Calendar, you’ll see that I still owe you an Epcot Favorite Attraction poll!  Which, by the way, I should have run last week.

Terrified that Disney was going to announce “Food” & Garden’s menu in the middle of the “competition”, I decided to defer our contest to crown Epcot’s 2014 king until later in the month.  And, now, we’ll likely run out of month!  Good thing Epcot’s Spring “food” festival doesn’t start until the 5th.  We might have to steal a little bit of March in order to get everything done.  We DO need to sort out OUR festival menus, after all!

Back to the task at hand … I forget just how many things there are to do in Epcot.  I mean, the list of attraction and entertainment options boasted by the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow is HUGE!  In other words … buckle up!  This “tourney” is going to be a doozy!

The American Adventure!

In fact, this will be our biggest undertaking ever.  Ever!  74 attraction and entertainment options!  74!  Too many to fit in one day of first-round voting!  So, in true “March Madness” fashion, we’ll split Round 1 up over TWO days.  Half today.  Half tomorrow!


You know how it goes.  As always, vote for one (1) in each group.  The Top 2 in each group will move on to the next round!  That would be to the round of 32!

So, VOTE!  Tell your friends!  Retweet it!  Share it on Facebook!  The more, the merrier.  Vote!  Which one of these IS the All in WDW Favorite Epcot Attraction?

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