2014 “Food” & Garden Pre-Festival Top 15 – Ohio Edition!

It’s gonna be a wonderful week!  Isn’t it?

Top 10′s.  Top 15′s.  Top 20′s.  Whatever “Top” list you want.  “Food” & Garden.  LOTS of yummy food.  Pictures of food!  Mmm.

It has been months since Mrs. All in WDW and I have been to The World.  We can’t WAIT to drive under the gate!

That’ll come soon enough, though.  In the meantime, you all remember our “daughter-in-law to be”, Sarah, don’t you?  She penned “The Delicious (Two) Dozen!” last Fall.  It was the All in WDW 2013 Epcot Food & Wine Festival Top “25” Desserts!

Well, she’s BACK!  She’s as excited as we are about “Food” & Garden’s return to Epcot in 2014.  So much so that she jumped at the chance to carve this year’s collection of morsels into a Top 15 list of her own.

She even tackled the desserts!  Of course, she IS our resident expert on sugary delights, eh?  We’ll have to wait to see what the master baker has to say about the sweets, however, as we’ll present those another day.

For today, without further adieu, here’s a 2014 “Food” & Garden Pre-Festival Top 15 – Ohio Edition!

  1. Hanami Sushi
  2. Corn Tortilla Pork Taco
  3. Pulled Duck Confit
  4. Pork and Apple Sausage Roll
  5. Sweet Potato Cinnamon Waffle
  6. Spring Pancake
  7. Smoked Turkey “Rib”
  8. Lamb Brewat Roll
  9. Ghost Pepper-dusted Tilapia
  10. Parisian-style Dumplings
  11. Mushroom and Cheese Quesadilla
  12. Frushi
  13. Watermelon Salad
  14. Smoked Beef Brisket
  15. Caprese

What?  No Pulled Pig Slider?  Sarah!  It is the best!  Just teasing, my dear.  The slider IS the best, but, like I said yesterday … everyone has their own tastes.  Everyone builds a great list.

Oh, no!  Where's the "pig"?!

Oh, no! Where’s the “pig”?!

For Sarah’s part, here are some of her thoughts …

“Thank you for letting me rank all of these delicious dishes!  This time around, I decided upon my list in order of what I want to try.

The dishes sound really interesting!  I want to try them all, actually!  As a huge fan of sushi, the Hanami looks very intriguing.

Next, a Corn Tortilla Pork Taco with pineapple?  Yum!  And, Pulled Duck Confit?!  Deciding this order was TOUGH!

This was fun, and I’ve definitely worked up an appetite after making this list.  Better yet, Epcot’s menu has filled me with cooking inspirations!  Thanks again!”

No, Sarah.  Thank YOU for your support, and thank you for the Top 15 … Ohio style!  Now, tell my son to go get you a Pulled Pig Slider.  You won’t be sorry!

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