Food & Wine ’13 Scouting Report: Australia

Just how much does Mrs. All in WDW love those lamb chop “lollipops”?

If you missed it yesterday, Rick Howard, President of Kingdom Magic Vacations and host of the Travel with Rick video-cast, invited us to join him on his quest to cover each and every Food & Wine ’13 marketplace in the month of October.  That found us smack dab in the middle of Australia!

Before we got there, however, I took a shot at an advanced review of the Aussies’ 2013 effort.  What grade did I give them?  Read my “Food & Wine ’13 Scouting Report: Australia” to find out.  Then, watch the show.  Did they do as well as I expected?

See you tomorrow for … SINGAPORE!

Menu: Australia

Click on the pic to see the full menu!

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