Welcome to The World of All in WDW, my friends! Huh? What IS The World of All in WDW? Why, it’s you, of course!
I haven’t reported on this for a while now, but it still boggles my mind as to how many of you have dropped in, at one time or another, for a visit.
Moreover, it absolutely makes me speechless to read from how many places you have “traveled” to see “me”! To date … you have ventured forth from 106 different countries! 106!
Really? From where have we come, you ask? Check out this link. It displays the breadth of “The World of All in WDW”.
Then, to add a little bit of fun to the day, take a stab at these two challenges! Yes, I know you’ll be guessing, but it’s Friday. Like I said, have a little fun!
Of these World Showcase countries, which one was the last to visit All in WDW?
Of the 106 countries that have touched All in WDW’s life, which one of these was the 100th to honor us with their presence?