WDW Trivia! – Quick & “Cosmic”

If you’re looking to “elect” the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite WDW Parks Quick Service, stop back tomorrow!  The voting booths will open early in the A.M.!

In the meantime, over the last few days, we’ve tested you with trivia from the Animal Kingdom, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and Epcot.  Did you take a shot at solving those “puzzles”?  If not, click these links to give us a dose of your Disney genius!

And, let’s not forget the “king” of WDW’s parks … Mickey’s “home”.  It’s time to visit Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

This one is a tough one.  Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe in Tomorrowland employs a unique service concept in which different types of meals can be purchased in one of three “bays”.  In which “bay” can you secure a ’1/2 Rotisserie Chicken’?

Cosmic Ray's

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