“Food” & Garden ’14 Flash Report – Spring Pancake

Talk about “epic fails”.  The only thing that saved China today was the Spring Pancake.

One thing I can tell you about the China kitchen?  They have chronic problems with opening up on time.  It was the same at last Fall’s Food & Wine, but they always seem to open late.

We got there at 11 AM, and they didn’t open.  We back-tracked to Mexico for a Pork Taco and returned to Lotus House a half-hour later.  Still closed!

Their response?  ”We have no food.  Come back at Noon.”  What?!  Isn’t this a food festival?

We came back at 2 PM.  The line was a “mile” long, they had one cashier, and they’d run out of Candied Strawberries.  Wow!  Day 1 wrinkles in need of an iron?  Yeah, that’s you, China.

Having complained about all that, the Spring Pancake is still really, really good.  I’m telling you folks, if you get to Epcot for “Food” & Wine, you have to give it a chance.

They served a generous helping of chicken, and although they’re serving it this year without the sriracha, there’s a bottle on the counter so that you can add your own dose.  And, please do.  The combination of the dish’s plum sauce with the hot sauce is an epic marriage.

Photo Mar 05, 1 53 16 PM

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